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Daily Thought (Dealing with the DRC of TDCJ)

Today was the BIG day, the results of my review, will I be Approved?, Or will I be Denied?, well you guessed it, I was DENIED, and set off another 6 months, it's been a year I haven't seen him now will be 2 years from when I'm approved, this situation has token a toll on us rebuilding our relationship, because the phone time racks up, eats up pockets, & right now the income for it just isn't there. I truly feel like an inmate, my rights to see someone locked up have been taken away, I'm locked up & haven't committed a crime and I have to write an Appeal for my visitation rights to be given back, it's crazy. I think of him daily, takes a toll on your mind as well, knowing that man is the voice of reason you need to hear at the moment your world is crashing, he also wrote the other day, being frustrated i know because I get the same way, saying words of us being done, as in NO communication between us ever again, since we're already not in a relationship. So to anyone in this situation I know the struggle believe me & its not something I would wish on my worst enemy, but I'll reprocess in another 6 months with no hopeful thoughts, just glad that if it does go through, I wont have to write a nice elegant begging letter to be reinstated my visits, but I have more frustration on how things are ran by TDCJ, but that's for another post & another day, well my loves going to head into work, till I write again, may your visit's be pleasant & your love pure!

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