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Daily thought

Today I write the DRC, who are they? well the ones who decide if i receive my visits with the one i long for back, real name Directors Review Committee, let me tell you wasn't easy, felt as if i was back in school, glad i had the support from my girls in a group I'm in for TDCJ loved ones, there I got my billion and 1 questions answered I might have been repetitive, which I'm glad they were patient with me, because writing this letter to the DRC, no lie can be a little intimidating, especially if you've never done one or feel you didn't do anything wrong, the unit can take those rights right up if you don't follow their rules, but I feel shouldn't be since we've done nothing wrong to have our rights as people who are still free are entitled to, but does the DRC care to here that, NO!, so you state in your letter why you should receive them back and how you learned your lesson, and your support, basically anything it takes to get your visits back, i haven't seen him in 1 year and 3 months since I've gotten my visits token away, and boy do I long to see him even its behind a window, I miss our long visits since at the time I lived in Lubbock, but since have now moved to the Houston area, and I received 4 hour visits for being so far away from him, I wouldn't care if i got just 2 hours, anything will be ok with me, he was my escape from this crazy world, and we still talk on the phone every now and then, since it does it up a lot of money after awhile especially if you don't have it, so as I put this letter in the mail as well fax it, I hope that me seeing him can happen, so it's all up to the board members now, I'll keep you'll posted, till my next thought of him comes along, stay strong and hopeful that one day he/she will be home, or in this case of mines will get to see them again.

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