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My daily thoughts...

This is for yesterday’s post and today's, it’s been a good one, a group I'm in, on Facebook started a trend, put this saying, “ Steven, Jennifer’s love is so BIG it has reached…” whatever location you maybe be in, I’ve gotten from Africa all the way to most beautiful places in the U.S, it’s free and no one is obligated to do them, I love the concept behind it, since our loved ones don’t see too much or many never see other places outside the U.S.A, or outside of a place they might one day be released to. Many are making books I have a cute idea for them that I will post on my YouTube channel, something you can make with your heart, there’s a few wanting all the united states, which is beautiful in my opinion, I love the time we take out of our days just to show we appreciate our loved one incarcerated, and they may be gone but never from our thoughts or hearts, whole time I was think while saying these names out loud, I’m sure their ears are ringing ha ha, so they know what’s to come, I know mines will be like really she took the time to do this, I travel a lot and send pics of many different random things to him, plus I’m a photographer so I love it, and he finds it very meaningful especially on the days he’s not just missing me but the days he feels he’s missing out on his life, I always try to find some way to bring a smile to his face, at this moment he doesn’t have a clue I’m doing this and when I send it to him for his b-day gift, it’s going to blow his mind, and I can only give thanks to the people who helped me reach it, by taking the pics for me, cause it wasn’t easy doing 32 of them and I have more to do Friday, I know some who are doing close to in the 200’s, so I know it’s truly good people out there. Well this ends this post till next time, I love each and every one of my readers!

Example HERE, if you want to do one or need one, email me names needed, I'm always willing to do them :) !

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