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Inspiration of the Day

Everyday is a struggle I know, and that one call can change it all, I saw this and I don't know who's the author but after the bad news I got today & lately, I know they'll be brighter days, at least I can look forward to a call, which in some cases some don't even have, might be awhile, since income is low, but I'll still eventually get to hear his voice, always remeber 1 day down, means 1 day closer to whatever it may be!


I love this quote, it is always hard to have people understand ANYTHING that has to deal with a prison relationship, many questions arise, such as... why? why? and lastly why?, yeah I know you get tired of explaining your story, hoping someone or even something will come to some understanding, on why you stay with someone incarcerated, but I will say, " I get you, I understand", when you love someone, rather it be your significant other, son, mother or just a friend, I always, always say, " Put yourself in their position !", Would you feel lonely? Would you feel as if you're missing out?, my answer would be....YES, so we all need somebody, and remember NEVER,ever, be ashamed of YOUR STORY!!! Someone might need it more than YOU, just to pull through their day!

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